Sunday 25 August 2019

Hot hike on lower slopes of Table Mountain

The weather forecast from the Norwegians (who are slipping, in my opinion) said it would be 11 degrees on Friday, causing most of us to be completely overdressed for a fairly strenuous hike in sweltering conditions, as it turned out (mid to upper 20s). We have had a real Indian summer last week, being easily fooled that it could be spring, and as I write this, it is in fact raining.
Deer park (presumably so called because deer used to roam there) is a pleasant enough walk, although the rough, gravelly downhill track causes a few slips here and there. The main problem is that what goes down must come up, and as we descended further and further, the thought of the tough uphill via the concreted track was a bit alarming.
The cool shade of the pines in the park was a welcome respite and we strolled down the boardwalk alongside the gushing stream that feeds the old wash houses in the ravine where washerwomen did the laundry for the early Cape settlement. It must have been quite a slog up and down what are now the steep roads of Oranjezicht, but perhaps they used pack animals.
Vigilance is always necessary in areas close to houses, as there are signs of habitation a little higher up and a loiterer did in fact approach us asking for food. When given an energy drink, he brought it back and said he didn't drink grape flavour.
The uphill climb was indeed as bad as expected and we stopped every 60 paces to rest and catch our breath. This enabled us to take in the panoramic views of the City Bowl, Signal Hill and Lion's Head, Devil's Peak and of course our magnificent Table Mountain. Sugarbirds perched on pincushions just asking to be photographed and not a tail feather flapped in the windless conditions. I think the heat didn't help the discomfort, and it is definitely a walk for cool weather. Nevertheless, every hike is worthwhile and enjoyed on hindsight!

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