Saturday 31 August 2019

A most treasured garden - Kirstenbosch

Ever since son Robert discovered bird photography three weeks ago, I have not had a chance to press the shutter on my P900 and now have to rely on my rather bottom-of-the-range cellphone to capture anything that catches my eye. The results have been less than spectacular as you can imagine, but scenery still meets a certain standard and so today, on our third Saturday tramping the hills of Kirstenbosch, I snapped away while he ran down the battery of the P900 capturing some incredible bird photos despite his currently amateur status. He has a very good eye.
The bug has bitten and I can see that 4km a week will be added to my current hiking mileage, but I can think of very few places I would rather be than on the verdant slopes of Kirstenbosch, the wind blowing in my hair and a host of twittering birds perching among my favourite fynbos. It was always Mother's favourite destination and she would have enjoyed spending far more time there over the years, particularly latterly, and we had a picnic there for her 80th birthday - doubtless one of her most enjoyable. I have a photo of her as a teenager with her mother and father and three sisters (Granny, Grandpa and Aunties!) sitting on the wall at the otter pond, and it gives me tremendous pleasure to think that I am always walking in her footsteps when I am there. The family bench is nearby, opposite the sundial, and will forever be a reminder of her and Dad when pausing to rest under the chestnut tree.

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