Sunday 21 October 2018

Sunday somnolence

It's been a spectacularly somnolent Sunday. No soul has stirred in this household since midday, including the pets. He Who Can Fix Anything has set a record for parking off on his bed and should get in a good 23 hours sleep by tomorrow morning. This is noteworthy in someone who, over the last 35 years or so, has started pottering in his garage at 7am on a Sunday, coming inside only at sunset to resume a supine position. He runs on solar energy and is generally only seen in daylight hours, unless the Duracell battery has kicked in and then there's no holding back. This must be early onset of old age!
We are set for a prolonged heatwave this week, not a welcome prospect as the garden, which has only just started to recover after the treat of winter rains, will take a beating from the already fierce sun, and with water restrictions still firmly in place, even a few hours a week of watering from the wellpoint is unlikely to help. Looks like the lawn is going to be replaced by a new discovery from the nursery, daisy lawn, which is a tight hardy ground cover that, once established, doesn't need watering and you can throw out the lawnmower. It sounds too good to be true, but worth a try!
Even the birds have been quiet today, with just a late call from the Southern Boubou on the deck, letting me know that the suet ball needs replacing after the cheeky and voracious redwing starlings decimated it today. I've put out a shallow bowl of water for the smaller birds - hopefully they will notice it and come for an evening splash. I feel like one myself!

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