Wednesday 14 March 2018

Up to the waterfall again

We hiked up to Cecilia Waterfall about a month ago and did it again yesterday. My fitness has undoubtedly increased as the Fitbit indicated less than half an hour of cardio during the 3.5 hour walk, and yet it felt like the most difficult climb yet. I huffed and puffed the whole way up and sweated buckets of perspiration (although I am told that only horses sweat - women glow), so either we walked too fast (possible) or I am not breathing properly (probable). I was not alone in my labouring, and it was surprising that the general feeling was that of a bit beyond our range. It may have been due to humidity with low cloud and windless conditions, but it goes to show that no two hikes are ever the same.
There were many examples of the exquisite gladiolus montiflora or autumn painted lady to admire along the way, but for reasons known only to itself, my cellphone camera just refused to focus on them and so I cannot share this marvel that occurs only in very specific parts of the Cape Peninsula. You will have to go and look for yourself. It's well worth it. (Blurred photo included)
The waterfall was dripping more substantially than last time, which maybe indicates that even though we think we are not getting rain, something is falling out of the sky! The drops were too heavy to make me want to stand under it again, so I made do with a short video of the tinkling waters as they babbled across the rocks and tumbled downwards on their journey to the sea, crystal clear and hopefully pristine!
This is quite a tough hike, with seemingly interminable upward stretches and the odd scramble, and the downward trail towards Kirstenbosch is daunting for those with bad knees, but anyone with the slightest inclination to enjoy to the beauty that the Peninsula has to offer should put it on their bucket list. I'm looking forward to seeing that waterfall gushing to its full potential this winter. We can only hope!

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