Saturday 10 March 2018

A chill in the air for a Star Party

It's been a while since I have had anything interesting to blog about, apart from my hikes, as I have been tied to the computer for weeks doing years of catching up on financial matters, and if anything dulls the mind, it's that! But today something changed that I thought of note and worthy of a quick scribble. Autumn is upon us.
The air took on a chill that has not been present for a long, long hot summer, and everyone at the coffee shop had jackets on. High clouds covered the Peninsula for much of the day and they have returned this evening - the remnants of a cold front that developed in an unexpected place over the Atlantic, dumping heavy rain over the sea and dissipating on reaching the land. The forecast is that this phenomenon could become the norm for winter, but with the rain actually reaching us then, and it is certainly something to look forward to.
On the home front, I knew that autumn has arrived as the men of the house (?) took to couch and bed to watch sport, huddled under blankets. They are the first to dig out the winter woollies and mention was made of electric blankets. I, of course, wore light summer clothes and watered the garden. It wasn't long before I was back inside digging out the winter woollies too! And that really means a chill in the air if I feel it.
Another reason for the change of season is that next week is the astronomical Star Party in Bonnievale, complete with tent and blow-up mattress, and the forecast as usual is rain.  So I am going to fool the weather and go a day later. Let's see if that works.

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