Tuesday 27 February 2018

The Noon Gun up close

The heat of summer and many people taking holidays at this time of year have seen our hiking numbers depleted and a few cancelled, which has not been good for either body or soul! So today it was with good spirits that I set out for a place I have never been, despite having lived in Cape Town for 60 years - the noon gun site on Signal Hill! We started late to ensure that we would be at the guns at noon and so, although a light cooling breeze was drifting in from the south, the sun cancelled out much of its effect, and there were only a few tall trees for shade along the route, as anyone who has ever glanced up at Signal Hill will verify. Only the parking area has shade, which is no good for hikers!
A very rough and rocky jeep track wound steeply down the mountain slope - slightly alarming as it was the way back as well. But we are made of tough stuff and tried not to dwell on that thought. We stopped many times to admire the vista and it certainly was a beautiful late summer day in Cape Town. The track provided views that are not normally seen and it was interesting to see the docks and Waterfront from a different angle. We limited our hike to 5kms due to the heat and spent nearly an hour lounging under the trees at the somewhat neglected noon gun site. No effort has been made to keep it neat or spruced up, no doubt through lack of interest by the authorities and the short time that visitors are on site - 15 minutes before noon for the actual firing of the gun and then back into the taxi for the next tourist attraction! We were the only ones who arrived on foot!
The officer in charge appeared in a smart uniform at the appropriate time and proceeded to regale us with the history and functioning of the guns. I attach a photo but would recommend that you go and experience it for yourself - it was entertaining and the actual firing was impressive. I think everyone jumped even though we joined in the countdown! Flame and smoke shot out of the barrel and everyone left quite satisfied that the firing had happened according to schedule. The black powder is ignited by a computerised signal sent from the SA Observatory a few miles away, in direct sight. Two guns are primed in the event of failure of the initial signal, whereupon the officer will manually ignite the charge of the second gun. Today was the 66 433rd firing of the gun, so you can work that out for yourself. It is not fired on Sundays or Public Holidays - Capetonians are sleeping in.
The hike back to the cars was indeed a hike. The equivalent of 50 flights of 10 stairs as per the Fitbit, and we felt it all the way, It was dauntingly steep and much huffing and puffing ensued. The car park was indeed a welcome sight!

Good advice and interesting facts
Green Point
History lesson

Priming the gun                       BOOM
Lounging lizards                                                                     Table Mountain

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