Wednesday 7 February 2018

A humid hike

Hiking in the hottest months of summer is a whole new experience and yesterday's climb up to the Cobra Camp on top of Slangkop, Kommetjie, felt like the hottest one yet. Very welcome cloud cover also meant high humidity, and I slogged ever upwards with a hand towel over my shoulder, mopping the weary brow every so often as I stopped to admire the view. Everyone else joined me, as these are some of the most spectacular views on the Peninsula and it would be a sin not to lift your eyes from the path and enjoy the scenery. At times this is not possible, as rocky or steep terrain requires a firm footing. I'm famous for tripping uphill, and today was no exception, but two hands on the ground kept my face 10cm from a rock! It pays to use a walking stick (forgot mine at home) - not a sign of old age, but rather a steadying influence and lifesaver.
On top of the mountain, a welcome breeze ruffled damp hair and we settled down for a coffee break in the shade of the ruins of the old wartime radio station. It was difficult to discern the group against the graffiti, and it was sad to see that there are many who have no respect for the mountain (or themselves) as they discard the spray cans and plastic lids, among other assorted litter, rather than carry them back to where they came from. It always amazes me that containers can be carried long distances when full, but somehow it is too much trouble to take them home empty. Those who live in filth must ask themselves where it comes from.
The plateau trail across to the Rubbi Chapel was an easy stroll, with plenty of indigenous flora to delight the eye, and dramatic lighting created by the clouds and mist forming and dispersing over the sea. Not a wave in sight, with fishing boats plying to and from Hout Bay, ghostly in the mist, and the Sentinel reflected in the glassy surface. The expanse of beach between the dunes and the Kakapo wreck, where miscreants have been mugging the unwary, is covered in a substantial amount of water, and one can only hope that this will be a deterrent for those who can't find anything better to do with their lives.
We were lucky to continue under cloud cover as we made our way down to Long Beach, where the odd decent wave gave the ever-present surfers good rides, and a very pleasant 8km hike ended with an excellent lunch in the garden of the Lighthouse Pub and Grill!


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