Thursday 19 April 2012

How to keep your body toned

Just heard the news I have been waiting for all my life!

The only exercise you need for maximum benefit to your body is three minutes a week, broken up into three 20-second high-energy bursts every second day.

This obviously goes back to the days when we were cavemen. Picture the scene:

You're down by the river, sharp stick in hand, ready to spear a big fish for lunch. Suddenly, a huge prehistoric crocodile bursts out of the water, its cavernous mouth all but engulfing you. Adrenalin kicks in and twenty seconds later you are right at the top of that tree you just had a nap under.

The water settles and you climb down to continue fishing. Snap! There it comes again and you are once more up the tree. After a short rest you go back to the river bank.

Aaarrgghh! This time your 20-second burst takes you up the hill and back to the cave you call home. 

You spend the next day relaxing under a tree to recover and give the croc time to move up-river. The next day you go hunting buck.

This activity keeps you in tip-top condition, which is lucky because it's going to be a long time before you invent the gym.

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