Tuesday 14 May 2019

My favourite view

Now that was a hike! On a warm but overcast day, Noordhoek Peak is the ideal place to be, with plenty of uphill for the serious hikers, views to make you gasp stretching forever in all directions and the Cape's abundance of fynbos making its winter presence felt. At over 6 kilometres and an ascension of around 500m to a peak of 783m, it was no surprise that we took just over 4 hours to cover the distance. This is the highest climb the group undertakes, and two hours of cardio is a suitable reward for our efforts. 
The view down into Hout Bay from Noordhoek Peak is the cause of my hiking career - I saw a photograph and decided on the spot to abandon my sedentary lifestyle (housework and gardening not really qualifying as exercise) and headed for the hills. It was definitely one of my better decisions. Along with the health benefits, I get to see so many beautiful flowers and as an avid photographer, I have to suffer many grumbles about holding things up as I take a diversion into the veld to investigate items of interest or take too long to focus on a particularly wayward bloom on the end of a fragile stem. Here are the results of today's forays - I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.


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