Sunday 9 August 2020

A virtual farewell

Yesterday we bade farewell to my beloved last remaining uncle, Brian Gaven, who left us suddenly last week in a place dear to his heart - Edinburgh, near where his father was born - as if on a last pilgrimage. He and my aunt had just arrived with my cousins, enjoyed a dinner and were returning to their accommodation when he suffered a heart attack and passed away. Although a terrible shock to the family, we are thankful for a swift passing without lingering discomfort or pain.
The funeral was in the small Yorkshire town of Bedale, where they have lived for the past 9 years, and it was impossible for any of us to attend due to the worldwide lockdowns over Covid-19.  Technology came to the rescue and we were able to attend virtually via Google Meet, a strange experience and yet adequate enough to make us feel that we were there. We couldn't feel the heat of the afternoon as the mourners gathered around the open grave, but we could see our family members as they each gave their final words and thoughts on the life being celebrated. The unusual warmth of the day meant that the contributions from cousins, nieces and grandchildren around the world were shared at the tea afterwards, and the laptop didn't follow from the graveyard due to battery problems, but what event ever runs smoothly when technology is involved? We were just grateful to be there to remember the man who made such an impact on so many peoples' lives with his huge sense of humour, magnificent singing voice, acting prowess, devotion to his family, fairness in dealings with all he came across in business, and a devout Christian who led many to a place of peace and solace.
Rest peacefully and joyfully, dear Uncle Brian. We'll meet again

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