Friday 15 May 2020

Living with Lockdown - 25

Another aspect of the busy birds in the garden is that many appear to be chasing the ladies. I thought that was a Spring affair, but perhaps they are taking advantage of the good weather and peaceful surroundings to increase their chances of the species surviving.
We have been treated to some incredible displays of the courtship dance of the male Malachite sunbird while his female counterpart sits on a twig seemingly unimpressed. I'm sure she's just playing hard to get, as who could fail to fall for that shimmering blue and green plumage, fluttering wings like a hummingbird and exaggeratedly long tail feathers held proudly aloft! I expect to see young malachites soon, to add to the existing family of three.
The bulbuls are fanning their tail feathers to increase their chances of being spotted by one of the many females frequenting the feeder, and they are also increasing in numbers by the day. I can't say we need any more, as they gulp down the nectar faster than I can fill the bottles - in the last few days consumption has doubled.
The ever ebullient Southern Double-collared sunbirds, who start their twittering before sunrise, have always been a strong presence and are the most tame of the sunbirds. With a cat who often brings one into the house to be rescued, we have had many opportunities to hold these tiny birds, and they tend to linger on a finger before flying off, almost as a 'thank you'. There is currently a male who is giving us a remarkable display of his yellow 'epaulettes' at the moment, and the females are doubtless queueing for his attentions.
A gorgeous pair of Cape White-eyes were preening each other on a branch just outside the window yesterday, nestled close to each other in a most endearing display of birdy affection. Today's rain had them all of a twitter, fluffing out their feathers and shaking raindrops and dust off themselves in little blurs of green and grey. Always entertaining and heart-warming to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the read thank you Pamela. Lovely pictures too.
