Monday 16 April 2018

Kitty conundrum

Oh dear, oh dear, I'm in despair! Mango Kitty's bird hunting is becoming more prolific and more skilled. No longer content with the odd Cape white eye or wagtail, she is now catching sunbirds, sugarbirds, robins, bulbuls, weavers and canaries (perhaps not all in the plural!), today she consumed the top half of what I think I can identify as a fiscal flycatcher, with some doubt. It really is getting a bit much.
In the beginning she just got the tail feathers, as a number of birds appeared without tails for a while.

Then she just played with them, resulting in quite a few happy rescues.

But now I'm only finding gory remains, so hunting for food may now be the objective.
Initially I tried the collar with a bell, but that disappeared within hours. Another one was bought, and that she also escaped from (they have a safety release) but I found it in the branches of the honeysuckle where the sunbirds hang out. Never used it again as there seemed no point.
She hasn't attempted to catch the hadeda that has taken to picking the grubs out of the pot plants, trampling my George lilies in the process (although I am pleased about the grubs!), nor the guinea fowl that scratch the remaining patches of grass to smithereens. Only the dog takes delight in chasing them.
Some people find a solution in a visit to the vet, but I couldn't do that, so does anyone have the answer?

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