Monday 15 September 2014

Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits

We’ve been having some perfect spring days of late, thanks to the absence of the southeaster. The wind has been westerly and not too noticeable – just keeping temperatures in the comfortable range. Walking and gardening are best undertaken in these conditions, so I took a stroll up to the local coffee shop and sat under the trees in the garden.

Most of my work involves lengthy periods of thoughtful contemplation before I finally come to a conclusion on how I will approach the task at hand. A long gap in the thought process can bring new solutions and the passing of time, with new circumstances arising, can also be fortuitous for decision-making. Some call it procrastination, but I call it fortuitous. Sometimes later can be better than sooner.
The point of all this rambling is that most people think I don’t work and am a lady of leisure, seen regularly partaking of light refreshments at various establishments. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Being out and about in a stimulating environment is far more beneficial to productivity than stultifying at home, where thoughts sometimes turn to dusting and ironing. Working from home allows for very flexible ‘office hours’ – sometimes 3am is the best time to get on with a project.

So if you spot me daydreaming on a bench at Kirstenbosch or watching the passing parade from under a shady umbrella at a popular Waterfront restaurant, be assured that the cogs are still turning!


  1. Love just sitting ... love this piece

  2. I`m sure your brain is working non stop all the time. We know this by the very informative blogs that you are always producing.
