Saturday 22 October 2011

World peace

 There will be no peace while Man pursues his own interests at the expense of his fellow man.
 While there is no compassion for the oppressed, the abused, the bullied; while there is rejection of those who dare to be different, who refuse to conform to society's straitjacket and who are prepared to stand up and be counted; while there is judgment and fingerpointing, superiority and sneering, intolerance and selfishness, greed and hatred, Mankind will fall further and further into the abyss of fear.
 The only way to climb out is by understanding that we all come from one source and that we are all aspects of each other.  To hurt another is to hurt yourself. Do you feel good at the expense of another's feelings about himself?  When your interaction with people brings you only good feelings, you will realise that fear has no power over you.  The way in which you react to every situation will dictate the result, and the only result that you would seek would be one that makes you feel best about yourself.
 Everything you say and do is a statement to the world of who you are. By making a conscious decision to strive only for an outcome of the greatest sense of happiness, you will have discovered the way to a life where you are responsible for your own happiness and can live without fear.
  Without fear, there is no aggression.
  Without aggression, there is no war.
  Without war, there is peace.
Peace = harmony = togetherness = unity = oneness.  We are all one.

1 comment:

  1. Now to get the world to understand this. I cannot fathom what is so difficult to comprehend, but with blogs like this maybe the penny will drop, even if it is for one person you have made a difference.
